C# Advent 2022

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1 David Pine Hello from the GitHub Actions: Core .NET SDK Andrew DePersio Publishing NuGet Packages With Nuke & Azure DevOps
2 Christopher C. Johnson Web Scraping and Generating PDFs Using C# and .NET Aaron Stanley King Special Characters are Truly Special
3 Chris Ayers Validating .NET Configuration Luis Beltran BindableObject + Behaviors to enhance MVVM in .NET
4 Ed Charbeneau Managing CSS Scope with Razor Components Jeffrey Barnes Invoking Legacy Javascript from Blazor WebAssembly
5 Gérald Barré Prevent http requests to external services in unit Michał Bryłka Generic math extended example
6 Sarah Dutkiewicz Creating a Holiday Creatures Catalog in Azure Kevin Griffin Building Windows Services in .NET 7
7 Kevin Logan Azure App Configuration, Key Vault and Managed Ide Mark Oliver Why Byte Arrays are a bad idea with large data
8 Eric Potter What I wish I knew when I started with MS Graph Brian Gorman Utilize Secrets in your C# MVC projects
9 Simon Painter Machine Learning in C# Part 1: Naive Bayes Brant Burnett Using Roslyn to Power OpenAPI SDK Generation
10 Matt Eland Text Classification in C# with ML.NET 2.0 James Hickey How To Structure Your .NET Solutions
11 Brendan Enrick 11 Ways of Making Your C# Harder to Use Eric King Fun with C# and Bingo
12 Jonathan Danylko Creating Multi-Tier Subscriptions using C# Davide Bellone PriorityQueues on .NET 7 and C# 11
13 Barret Blake Turning Any JSON API Into An App James Curran A Literary Clock in Blazor
14 Jonathan "J." Tower Top-Level Statements in C# Andrea Angella Advent of Code 2022 via C#
15 Matt Eland Interactive C# with Polyglot Notebooks Sam Nasr Text-to-Speech Step-By-Step
16 Michael Eaton The 12 Days of Christmas in C# Sam Basu Blazor Implementations Across Web & Native
17 Ann Lewkowicz Method-Core Injection: a C# Pattern for Reducing Boilerplate Code Johan Smarius Better assertions for your unit tests
18 John Patrick Glattetre Enhancing the Factory Pattern with C# Attributes Muhammad Azeez C# bindings for native libraries by using ChatGPT
19 James Turner Ref-structs are technically obsolete Steve Lorello Indexing and Querying Embedded Objects with Redis
20 Uroš Miletić Unity in 21 days Sam Gomez Document information extraction with Azure Form Recognizer
21 Matthias Jost How Do I Follow My Favourite .NET Blogs? Mangesh Gaherwar Real time App with .NET MAUI Blazor and Azure SignalR service
22 Baskar Rao Implementing Validations in .Net Core API Roman Stoffel Test Containers for C#/.NET
23 Aaron LaBeau VS for Mac vs. VS Code vs. Rider for beginners Jeremy Sinclair Add Arm64 Support To Your VS 2022 Extensions
24 Martin Zikmund Colorful ASCII Christmas Tree in C# by ChatGPT Xavier Morera Let's Talk C# Best Practices and Technical Debt
25 Matthew D. Groves NoSQL Migrations for Couchbase Zach Blocker Parsing a template language with C# and Pidgin